We as an organization aim to bring a sense of cooperation amongst all the people of the nation. Our organization wishes to call together all the intelligentsia to contribute their skills & talents to achieve prosperity for the welfare of all the people.

We started a meditation center in the hilly regions of a very backward & drought prone region in Osmanabad district in the state of Maharashtra, India. Providing a sustainable livelihood along with free residential meditation facility in our region is one of the main objectives of our organisation.


Our Mission

Mission – Protecting and healing the earth, undoing the existing damage done to her , to make man realize & understand his own truth and potential, his relation with the whole and to create a new worldwide civilization based on the same understanding.

Aims & Objectives

Aims & Objectives- Making the earth green again, protecting the environment and wild life. Restoring earth democracy and earth bio-diversity. Planting & keeping alive 1 million trees in the district in coming 5 years. Taking seminars and classes on morality and meditation for children in school. Promoting a sense of love and oneness amongst people which would help inturn to curb hate, violence & crime. To work extensively in the health sector to improve body immune system & overall fitness. To promote a sense of sharing and contribution amongst citizens. To work on improving children’s intelligence quotient, memory, skills & talents from a very young age. To teach young children to become independent entrepreneurs which would in turn result in the economic uplifting of the region. Teaching people the importance & relation between Environmental conservation & Sustainable livelihood